preclude- verb- prevent from happening
- his difficulties preclude him from leading a normal life.
rapt- adj- completley fascinated by one is seeing or hearing
- Bob looked at her rapt.
indulgently- adv- having a readiness or overreadiness to be generous with someone
- indulgently parents
banish- verb- get rid of something unwanted
- banish the smoke
fetter- noun- a chain used to restrain a prisoner
- he lay bound with fetters of iron
virtuoso- noun- a person highly skilled in music or another artistic
- virtuoso guitar playing
impunity- noun- freedom from punishment
- the impunity enjoyed by military
appropriation- noun- the action of taking something for ones own use
- the appropriation of parish funds
accost- verb- approach and address boldly
- reporters accosted him in the streets
reprehensible- adj- deserving censure or condemnation
implore - verb- beg someone earnestly or desperately to do something
- he implored her to change her mind
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